Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday July 19th "Beautiful Morning"

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18

I picked this up from an old FOTW service.
  • Vision is Multi-facitated
  • Vision gives meaning
  • Vision gives motivation

I thought about this during the week because I started training officially for the marathon. My vision is to finish the marathon and run it for my sister. The week was trying at times but through it all, I still managed to read God's word every morning and say my prayers. Kellye posted something to Facebook last night so I wanted add that to today's blog. This is what she is going through as of today.

I wanted to write a note on my view of my MS and the choices I have made for myself. First a little history in May 2003 I was officially diagnosed with MS however it is very possible I have actually had it my entire life I had wicked headaches and strange illnesses which I now know as extreme fatigue since I was a toddler. That being said from 2003 to current my MS has been getting worse as time goes on. This week I got my doctor's charts and found out that it is indeed worse then he had been telling me.Now here is my view on this latest revelation I could have thought "woe is me I am doomed" and I did for a minute or two but then I reminded myself that I already knew this information deep inside and I had already decided that I totally accept my fate. When I cried to God "why me?" He spoke back saying "why not you?". I have an amazing peaceful life now that I have accepted what I have been given. I decided back in August 2008 to go off the second heavy MS med I had tried and neither one did anything to slow down the MS. The clarity I got and still have is truly amazing! I figured out I was living my life doped up from all the meds. I will be making more big changes in the months to come and I am ready to face them head on. I live my life with MS!

MS is NOT my life.

I am running the marathon for my sister. The foundation I will raising funds for is Myelin Repair Foundation. 84 percent of the funds raised goes to their research. MS Society only puts 45 percent towards research. That is why I running for Myelin. I will have more information in the next couple of weeks about this cause.


Well the first week is in the books and for the most part it was pretty successful. My body is slowly beginning to adjust to the intensity of the three impact workout days. Today I ran close to eight miles and was fortunate to have some pretty nice weather. Injury wise the ankle is holding up pretty well. I am making it a point to stretch after every run and that is keeping everything in check. I have started using a heart rate monitor so I am able to control my efforts depending on the intensity of the workouts. I have'nt trained this hard in over 12 years, so far my body is holding up. Last Tuesday was probably the highlight of the week because I did 4 miles on the track and maintained a steady pace throughout. Mentally I feel very good. God has watched over me and helped me to stay focused on what I need to accomplish.

Finally, I am committed now to running the marathon. I signed up Friday morning. As of today I think it is close to selling out which is just amazing. I'm a little unhappy about that because I believe they should not have a cap. That will probably not change in the near future, it's turned out to be a very well run race and usually has some very good talent attending. This week will be tough but I have a massage scheduled for Wednesday night so that will help me a lot. Fit kicked off and for the most part it's doing pretty well. The volunteers and the coaches are the same people who helped grow the program so that's the good part. What disturbs me is that Luke's is constantly trying to push products on everybody. For example, yesterday was the hydration seminar and all they talked about were products and NOTHING about hydration. I thought safety was the first priority, apparently with Luke's it is not. Oh well, it's nothing I can control so I'm letting it go.

Well, I have rambled on enough so goodbye for now, have a blessed week!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday July 12, 2009

"If your faith is as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. All things will be possible for you. Matthew 17:20

I feel guilty not keeping up with the blog. I really wanted to try and write in here everyday. But the week was a little crazy. Looking back at it, I would say the most interesting day was yesterday. It was the first day of Woodlands Fit and I knew that I had to go. I woke up, got dressed and went over to Luke's Locker where we were meeting. I did my 40 minute run just as I planned, and then prepared myself.
When I woke up, I didn't feel anything. Usually I feel close to God or I'm thinking of him but in a way I think I was angry with him because he took Fit away from me.
So anyway, I show up, reconnect with people. It was so weird. I can't even to begin to explain the feelings I had. But then something happened. I'm standing there watching the new organizer give her speech and my good friend Beth came up, looked at me and said "Rich I'm really glad you came this morning, it took a lot of guts to show up. It's the only way you will get over the hurt of losing the program."
Now most of you who are reading this, probably know that I believe God finds ways to pass messages on to you. Yesterday he gave me another message. I have to move on, but before I can do that I have to get over the hurt. I need to heal, maybe by showing up every Saturday that will happen. God has a plan for me when it comes to running and coaching, I know that someday he will show me that path.


Last week was a productive week. I trained on all my scheduled days and did pretty well. But, a new issue has suddenly appeared. From the arch of my foot to the base of my heal I have some mild pain. It didn't bother me this morning while running but as the day progressed it got a little worse. I hope it is not Planter Faschiteas, because if it is, things all of a sudden have gotten real interesting. For the first time in a while I pulled out the ice pack. Everything else feels great, it's just the right foot. We'll see what happens as the week progresses, I see Crystal on Wednesday, but I might have to change that and stop by tomorrow afternoon.

Next weekend everything will become official when the marathon opens registration. One other note I will be setting up with the charity I am going to run for. A quick hint, it's not the MS Society, but an org that does research to help cure MS. More on this later.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009 "Faith"

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have
had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your
faith..may be proved genuine

1 Peter 1:6-7


"Always, Always he will be with you, God knows our pain." Song by Building 429. I couldn't get this song out of my mind. Our savior never fails and I truely believe that. I wanted start posting things from Kellye's friends. Most of them are writing about what it's like to MS. I hope this will help educate those of you who are reading my blog.

This first entry is from my sisters friend Kristin.

Having MS means many things change, and a lot of them are invisible.
Unlike having cancer or being hurt in an accident, most people do not understand
even alittle about MS and it's effects on us; and many of those who think they
do know are actually misinformed. In the spirit of informing those who wish
tounderstand...These are the things that I would like you to understand about me
before you judge me:

Please understand that being sick does not mean I'm no longer a human
being. I have to spend most of my day in considerable pain and exhaustion and if
you visit I probably don't seem like much fun to be with, but I'm still me stuck
inside this body. I still worry about school, and work, and my family and
friends, and most of the time I'd still like to hear you talk about yours

Please understand the difference between "happy" and "healthy". When
you've got the flu you probably feel miserable with it for a week or two, but
I've been sick for years. I can't be miserable all the time, in fact, I work
hard at not being miserable. So if you're talking to me and I sound happy, it
means I'm happy, that's all. It doesn't mean that I'm still not in a lot of
pain, or extremely tired, or that I'm getting better, or any of thosethings.
Please, don't say "Oh, you are sounding better!" I am not sounding better, I am
sounding happy. If you want to comment on that, you are welcome to. Please
understand that being able to stand for 10 minutes doesn'tnecessarily mean that
I can stand for 20 minutes or an hour. Just because I was able to stand up for
30 minutes yesterday doesn't mean I can do the same today.

With a lot of diseases and disorders one is either paralyzed, or they
can move.With MS it's far more confusing: one hour or day or week or year we may have normal - or almost normal - mobility; the next hour or day or week or year we may be unable to sit, stand, walk, think, remember, or even get out of bed, we may be unsociable or depressed, and almost assuredly we are in pain. We have
good days and bad, and during our good days we may truly not "look sick", but we are.

Please understand that making plans other than immediate ones is a crap
shoot at best, because we can't know how we will feel or what our physical,
mental or emotional condition will be.

If we seem to hedge about making plans with you, please understand it's
because we truly don't know if we will be able to honor them. The same applies
if we have to cancel plans previously made or invitations, even at the last
minute - it is not personal, and it makes us as frustrated and sad as it does
you! That is what MS does to us, and it's how we must live our lives. It is not
just a matter of sucking it in, or bucking up, or psyching ourselves up; believe
me if we could, we would!

Please understand that MS is variable - with each person and from
person to person. It is quite possible and often all too common, that one day I
can walk to the park and back, or bicycle 2-4 miles, or swim 12 laps, or even
run with my dog; while the next day I may have great difficulty getting out of
bed, walking to the kitchen, or be unable to walk at all without a cane, walker
or other mobility aid.

Please don't attack me when I can't do today what I did before by
saying"but you did it yesterday!" or "you did it before!" Your frustration can
not begin to compare to our own frustration. The very act of planning while
notknowing what condition we will be in is stressful and tiring in itself. If
you want me to do something with you, or go someplace with you... ASK if I can.
I may well dearly want to go, but simply be physically unable to do so.
Understand if I have to say no today, but please ask me again soon.

Please understand that "getting out and doing things" does not make me
feel better and can often make me seriously worse. Telling me that I need a
treadmill, or that Ijust need to lose (or gain) weight, get this exercise
machine, join this gym, try these classes, take these vitamins, herbs, tonics
and snake-oil cures will frustrate me to tears and is totally incorrect. If I
was capable of doing things, don't you think I would? And when I am capable, I
DO! I work with my doctors and physical therapists and follow the exercise and
diet plans they prescribe.

Another statement that hurts: "You just need to push yourself
more..."Obviously, MS directly impacts muscles and ours do not regenerate as
quickly as yours do. Pushing ourselves beyond comfortable physical limits can be
dangerous and cause a severe relapse. On the other hand, doing what we can when we can is excellent therapy both physically and mentally... and we do! If I work at a part-time job for 4 hours one day, my fatigue level is greater than yours
if you worked a 12 hour day. Many days I can still do anything I ever did as
well as I ever did ... but only one thing per day or week or month. Everything
drains us and exhausts us exponentially more than a normal, healthy person
ourage (whatever age that is); our recovery time is also exponentially greater.

If I go to a party or dinner and show tonight for several hours and
have awonderful time, I do so knowing with 99% certainty that tomorrow I will
need all day to rest and recover, much of it spent lying down. MS causes
secondary depression in and of itself; our depression may escalate when dealing
with days on end of constant pain and limited mobility or cognitive function. We
are NOT tired because we are depressed! We are depressed because we are so
tired.When I say I can't do something because I am so fatigued, please don't say
"Oh I know what you mean! I am worn out too, but..." because you don't.

MS fatigue is not like any tiredness you have ever experienced, nor has
anyone who does not have MS or other fatigue-producing disorder. I know you mean well, but it's irritating to hear because it tells me you don't understand me or
my MS at all. I may well be just plain tired - we get normally tired during
remission phases just as any normal person does - but trust me: we know the
difference, and it's huge.When we are together, please understand when I say I
have to sit down, lie down, get a drink, take these pills, or get into a cool
place that I have to do it and do it now! No, I can't walk another 5 blocks to
the car, or walk back down the hill I just climbed up. Don't baby me, don't
hover over me, don't do things for me unless I ask - we are very proud and never
want to be a burden.

Our independence, or what we can retain of it, is of paramount
importance to us! Please help by listening to and believing what we say we need
and act upon it accordingly and as quickly as possible. You wouldn't question a
known diabetics request for orange juice or insulin, so please don't question us
or urge us to 'keep on... we are almost there!' Not unless you are prepared toa)
carry us the rest of the way or b) call 911.

MS does not wait, nor does it forgive... when we say "please ... now!" it means now. If you want to suggest a cure to me, don't. It's not because I don't appreciate the thought, and it's not because I don't want to get well. It's because I have had almost every single one of my family and friends suggest something at one point or another. At first I tried them all, but then I realized that I was using up so much energy trying things that I was making myself sicker, not better.

If there was something that cured, or even markedly helped, all forms
of MS the world would know about it. If you still insist on promoting 'cures' to
me or giving me'this will make you better' advice, do so; but understand I won't
rush out and try it though I may well continue to research it on my own and
discuss those findings with my doctors. In many ways I depend on you... people
who are not sick...

I need you to visit with me when I am unable to go out; sometimes I may
need you to help me with shopping, cooking or cleaning; sometimes I may even
need you to do those things for me. I may need you to go with me to my doctor
appointments to help me remember and understand their direction, or I may just
need a ride. I need you on so many different levels... as much as possible,treat
me as normally as possible, enjoy me and allow me to enjoy you as much as
possible, and.... as much as it's possible...

I need you to understand me.


So let me re-committ myself.

On January 17, 2010 I WILL RUN the Houston Marathon.

It will be my 13th Marathon. And the first one in three years for me. I will RUN for A REASON for MS. So if your reading this make sure you contact me so I can email an invite to sponsor me.

When I did the marathon 3-years ago, I ran for CanCare, because my father in-law Dave passed away of Lung Cancer. But he had MS for over 20 years. And even though people told me MS didn't have anything to do with him having cancer, I believe it did, because he could no longer fight because of what MS did to him.

As healthy people and runners we are so lucky!! The least I can do is go through four and a half hours of pain, it's just a drop in the bucket to what people with MS go through on a day to day basis.

And if your a runner and want this years marathon to be something special run for MS!!

This Saturday my training kicks off. For the next 26-weeks a big part of my life will be dedicated to training for the marathon. I pray that my wife Ginger and my boys Davis and Drew understand. Anyway, until tomorrow.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 7, 2009 "My Faith"

"Whoever accepts you, accepts me, and whoever accepts me also accepts the One who sent me." Matthew 10:40


What an awesome weekend!! I was able to spend some great time with my sons. They are so sweet and innocent at times. And they are so happy and full of life. What's amazing is what I call God moments. We were on our way to lunch on Friday and listening to KSBJ. At high noon everyday, they say the Lords prayer. So as we're driving I look in my rear view mirror they have their hands crossed and their eyest closed. At the end of the prayer they both say AMEN!! It was so cool!! The reason I picked the verse for today's post Matthew 10:40 is I know people have never seen me this way. In the past, I would have hidden my faith, but now I'm really trying to put it out there, because I feel it's the only way people can come to him and learn to love him like I do. Some people might say, oh he turned to God because he was out of a job for so long. Well, that's wrong because I knew God and fell in Love with him when I was 17 years old. He sent me a message back in January and I am never going to forget about him again.
I should have listened to my body last week. I decided to run Saturday morning and it turned out to be a disaster!! I covered 7 miles in just under a 1:15, not good. Not to mention the ankle started to act up again. This is not a good sign leading into the beginning of my training for Houston. I'm really not sure about how I am going to avoid pain. But, what I can do is that God will give me the strength and wisdom to finish the Marathon in January. How I get there, well what can I say, that's half the fun of it. I am going to take tomorrow off since the ankle was a little sore today. Saturday is the start of Woodlands Fit!! It should be interesting, but I'm looking forward to seeing and running with my old friends.

Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3, 2009 Taking a Break

"When you pray, you should go into your room and close the door and pray to your father who cannot be seen. Your father can see what is done in secret, and he will reward you." Matthew 6:6
This is so true. Every morning before I do anything I make it a point to read the bible and pray. Early in the morning is so nice because the house is quiet, there are no tv's just quiet.
What's really cool is in the morning when I'm driving to work I usually see the sun rising. Lately the sun rises have been so beautiful. It's at that point you realize that the picture in the sky is God showing you his power and beauty. Since I have re-started my relationship with him everyday he shows me these moments. It is so awesome!!
So far this week has been pretty good. The heat continues to be a factor but otherwise I'm enjoying my workout. How connect God to my running is always lifts me up when I need it. On Tuesday that was the case. I was kind of down and really not looking forward to my track workout. So I prayed about that and asked him to help feel strong, stay cool and pain free. Well, as usual that prayer came true because I ended up doing 12x400 at pretty much the same pace (1:46) it was truely amazing!! I really didn't think beforehand I could do that many. So I'm feeling pretty good right now. I should take tomorrow off but I'm enjoying my running so much I don't know if I want to. The cool thing about running early in the morning is it is not super hot so I can get a good distance run in.
Next week Fit starts so I'm excited. Training for Houston will officially begin on July 11th.