Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5 Days Left Until the Big Day

"If God is for us, no one can defeat us. He did not spare his own son but gave him for us all. So with Jesus, God will surely give us all things." Romans 8:31-32

So I look at this picture and think of good times. I think in this picture I was probably six or seven and Kellye was probably 4 or so. Every weekend we went down to my Grandma's house in Ecru, Mississippi. It was a great place to go as a kid. There was nothing but acres and acres of woods to play in. We could play hide and seek, have mud ball fights in the gullies and go swimming in the creek down by the railroad tracks. Back in these days the only plumbing was in the kitchen. The outhouse was 50 yards behind the house. And the house, was two bedrooms. There was the main bedroom which had two huge beds in it and there was the back room which had a small double bed in it. If you didn't get one of the beds you were on the floor in the living room. The front porch was where everybody typically hung out. It had a couple of rocking chairs and a porch swing. Whenever anybody drove by the house everybody waved. It was an awesome place and I'll never forget it.
I think of my sister and everything we had growing up. Granted we didn't always get along but we were kids.
What really kicks me about all of this is Kellye was a tomboy. She could hang with the toughest kids on the block and she never backed down from anybody.
In a  lot of ways she fights MS with the same tenacity today. She will not let it beat her. She is the toughest person I have ever met. She is my hero!! So in a way the verse above describes it all. If God is for us, nothing can defeat us!!

I sat down last night and figured out that I have done 8 Houston Marathons and 12 Marathons all together. This year seems different. I have trained hard for this race. 27 Weeks of running and over 400 miles logged on the roads. Man I need a break. But I love it and running has helped keep me feeling young. For some reason, so far this year I am not feeling nervous. Most of it is I know that God will be with me every step of the way and that with him I will finish this race. The other reason is I trained for this thing and really didn't have any distractions (no organizing or coaching Woodlands Fit). I felt like in order to do this I needed to be selfish so for the first time in 12 years that's exactly what I did.
So I'm not worried, I'm quietly confident. I know that Glory will be waiting for me at the finish line. And when I do cross it, I will raise my hands to the sky and yell out GOD IS GREAT!!

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