Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Beginning

"I find rest in God, only he can save me. He is my rock and salvation. He is my defender, I will not be defeated." Psalm 62:1-2.

I read today that before we move into the new year we should thank God for everything he has done for us this year.

2013 was a year of change for me when it came to my running career. In 2012, my health issues were finally brought to light and after sitting down with my doctor a plan was formulated and then executed. Slowly things began to change. But the changes didn't really start to change until early 2013 with the running of the Houston Half Marathon and Woodlands Half Marathon where I finally started running at my marks from a few years ago.

The biggest change I made though was the decision to change training programs and to also get back into the coaching game. The dream of running a program where faith and family had a big emphasis was finally going to happen. It was also the opportunity to put faith in my Lord Jesus Christ at the front and to help others strengthen their faith as well.

God always opens doors for us when he feels we are ready for the next challange. This was one of them. The first leap of faith for me was leading a prayer before our Saturday runs and group races. To be honest with you, I was very nervous and fearful because I really didn't know how people would react. But I also know that in those moments the power of the Holy Spirit takes over. The result was overwhelming! It's gotten to the point now that people in our group expect us to pray before our big runs.

"Anyone who trusts in him will never be disappointed." 1 Peter 2:6b

My struggle as it is with almost everybody, is learning to trust God in all my endeavers. We have a tendency to want to drive rather than let God do it for us. The only thing we control is our attitude and perception. As it says in Proverbs 3:5 "Trust the Lord with all your heart and don't depend on your own understanding."

The next big challange for me was training for the Houston Marathon in January 2014. I haven't done a marathon since 2010, primarily because I really don't enjoy the distance. But once again I sensed and felt that it was time to give it another shot, especially since I'm turning 50 three days before the race. How many 50 year olds in this country can say they ran 26.2 miles? I think the percentage is very small.

My new coach is awesome, he knows exactly what I'm capable of. He understands what motivates me and he knows when to push and when to back off. I honestly think he is the best running coach I have ever had. And if I can some day be even half the coach he is it will be a huge accomplishment.

Yes, God is good. I know that come January 19th, I will finish my 15th marathon. We all have defining moments in our life, God puts them there so we can become stronger in our faith and also show others how He is the only way to true happiness in life.

The gift of running is from God and I feel very lucky to have the ability to run. I know that it keeps me healthy and strong. I am so thankful!

What lies ahead in 2014. I will set my goals, but I also know that everyday is a adventure. The one thing I have is that faith that God is taking care of me. Jeremiah 29:11 says it best "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and to not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

So rejoice and give thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that he loves you and wants nothing but good for you. I tell people this all the time. "Our dreams are not even close to what God has planned for us."

Dream big! Happy New Year and I hope ALL of you have a blessed 2014.


Sunday, September 15, 2013


10,000 Reasons
"Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name."
I honestly believe there come moments during a training cycle where it can and will elevate you to the next step. Yesterday morning was one of those times.
The morning was hot and humid and I was faced with the longest run of my training cycle since last March. The mileage on the schedule told me I had to run 11 miles, and I knew this was going to be a tough one because of the conditions. It's mornings like this where I wish I would have stayed in bed. But as a runner I have also learned that no matter how hard the obstacle seems, we all have a very stubborn mentality to suck it up and give it our best shot.
Maybe it was the prayer before the group that helped. Usually that calms me. On this morning, I really didn't want to do this, but I pressed on.
Matthew 19:26 says "with God all things are possible." so I pressed on and started the run. The thing I love about my training group Volte Endurance is we always try to help each other out. On this morning I experienced it first hand.
About 3-miles in to the run, one of my runners from the 10 for Texas program caught up to me at the rest stop. We talked a little and decided to move on together.
So off we went, mile by mile we went. The temperatures got warmer and the humidity seemed to increase. But we stuck together. About 8 miles into the run I was really beginning to feel the distance. My legs hurt and I felt like I was beginning to get the weak-leg syndrome. To me when I hit that point, I stop running and do a lot of walking. But something told me to keep going, and I made sure to keep my partner from quitting as well.
Finally the last mile was here, I told myself not to give up so I kept working.
On my MP3 player I have a mixture of music. It consists of everything from good ol' fashion rock and roll to Contemporary Christian.
I honestly believe in moments when we need Him, God comes through for us.
About a 1/2 mile from the finish, I wanted to walk sooooo bad, but then 10,0000 Reasons came on and all of a sudden I was energized, I was so happy. I started singing the song out loud. I didn't care if other people heard me singing, at the moment I was so full of joy I felt like singing. I looked up at the sky and the scene was beautiful, it spoke to me. It was like he was filling my body with the extra energy to finish.
Finally my friend and I finished and we both thanked each other for helping each other get through a very difficult run. Later on I got a note from her thanking me for providing her with the inspiration to finish. She told me it was my singing of 10,000 Reasons that helped her finish.
There is nothing like the feeling that you have finally broken through the wall. The last couple of weeks have been a struggle because of the heat and humidity, but God has a way of motivating and watching over us to get to the next level. Yesterday that is exactly what he did.

Yesterday morning was a blessing from God. He gave me the strength and endurance to finish 11 miles. But most importantly he gave me something to think about.

1 Corinthians 9:27 says "I treat my body hard and make it my slave so that I myself will not be disqualified after I preached to others."

What you think about your chances of success goes along way in determining whether you will enjoy it and if you will be successful.

Keep your heads up my friends and stay positive in everything you do.

See you on the road.

Coach Rich

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Overcoming the Storm

"I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let you be defeated. He who guards you never sleeps. Psalm 121:1-3

The last two weeks were brutal. Let's just say that anything that could go wrong, went wrong. Then yesterday when I was trying to decide on what I was going to write about, it came to me. During all the tough moments, what did I find myself doing?

I prayed a lot, but the prayers were not your typical ones, instead they were spent thanking the Lord for all he had given me, thanking him for testing me. As I stated two weeks ago, God is always testing us, he is always looking for ways to make our faith stronger and stronger.

The reason for this is when we come through those struggles we are a testimony to others out there.

This morning I was watching one of the Pastors I like to watch on Sunday mornings and his topic was about one thing, be positive or be quiet. I thought back to my troubles and I remembered that during that time I really tried to stay positive no matter how bad it seemed to get.

When you are in the middle of the storm, praise God and thank him, and he will reward you. The moment you start speaking negative, everything will come to a screeching halt. Bottom line is if you don't have something positive to say don't say anything.

Proverbs 6:2 says "You might get trapped by what you say; you might be caught by your own words."

Don't curse your future with negative words, instead embrace the tough times praising God all along the way. When I face tough challenges, "I always ask myself, Is this going to kill me? Is this a life or death situation?" 99 percent of the time it's not, so instead say to yourself "this to will pass"

Sure enough over the last couple of days things began to work themselves out. The air conditioner wasn't broken, the problems with my foot didn't feel as bad and new opportunities opened up with my job.

Right now it's really tough running, we are truly in the dog days of summer but we are also 3/4 of the way through the summer heat (hopefully). What we have do is keep training, keep working hard. Every run, every workout in the heat is a victory!

Our time is short on this earth, enjoy this time in your life. Instead of dreading the heat and humidity, take it on! Because it will make you stronger than ever.

Remember, God put you on this earth to do great things! He has a master plan for you, he has no intention of bringing harm to you.

And remember what Romans 8:31 says, "If God is for us, no one can defeat us."

So go out there and be your best because that's what He wants us to do and nothing less.

Have a blessed week my friends and I'll see you on the road.

Coach Rich

Saturday, July 27, 2013


"Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you do." James 1:4

We are impatient. Yes I said it. As humans we expect immediate results in everything we do. We expect instant gratification. But God doesn't see it that way, as he wants our faith to grow stronger and the only way that will happen is by testing us.

As Ephesians 4:18 says "We have small troubles for a while now, but they are helping us gain an eternal glory that is much greater than the troubles. We set our eyes not on what we see but on what we cannot see. What we see will last only a short time, but what we cannot see will last forever.

So in my opinion faith is believing in something you cannot see, feel or touch. It's taking that step not knowing what the end result will be. Perseverance is sticking with that leap of faith and staying the course. I want God to test me. I want God to help me to grow my faith.

Romans 5:3-5 sums it up perfectly, "We also have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces charactor, and charactor produces hope. And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out our Love to fill our hearts. He gave us his love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us.

Since I am training for a marathon I have to have patience. I have to trust my coach that he has my best interest in mind. The goal is the marathon and nothing else. I have to trust the training.

It's tough running right now. We are in the heat of summer. The other day it was 103 degrees during my run but I knew the only way I'm going to complete that marathon in January is by following my training plan. But, I also know this, cooler tempertures will come and when they do, the fruits of my training now will come to bear.

The best run of the year is that first autum run when the tempertures are 60 degrees and there is nothing but blue sky. It's awesome. I have to be patient and wait for that first fall morning.

My advise to all my fellow runners is to have patience and remember that every run you complete in this heat it is making you stronger and stronger. That is my hope for you.

Have a great week and God Bless.

See you on the road.

Coach Rich

Saturday, July 20, 2013


"All who make themselves great will be made humble, but those who make themselves humble will be made great." Luke 14:11

It's been one of those weeks where God has constantly been giving me basically the same message. That message is Humility. Luke 14:11 pretty much says it all for me. It's a message I constantly communicate to my boys as they progress in life.

Staying humble in this day and age is extremely difficult because we live in a society where the amount of success you achieve is where you are placed in societies pecking order. For a long time I was willing to do anything to be successful and it was mostly so I could gain the approval of others.

Then I finally began to figure it out, the only person I need to be successful for is my Lord Jesus Christ. That's it.

Dr. Charles Stanley said recently "humility doesn't come naturally. It requires deliberate, ongoing effort to remain in God's presence so we can see how worthy He is of our total submission."

Proverbs 3:34 says it best, "God is against the proud, but he gives grace to the humble."

Staying humble is tough, it's something I try to do everyday, but pride, greed and jealously are constantly trying to take that humility away.

So why did I decide to write about humility this week?

Well as a runner I have to remember to stay humble in my training. Which means when I have success in a race or a workout, its ok to acknowledge that success and even celebrate it, but only to myself. Humility in running is also about acknowledigng other peoples successes and giving encouragement to people who need it.

The old saying of it's better to give rather than receive is really true.

One other thing before I sign off, I have found that God is very good about reminding us of our duty to be humble. There have been many times when I filled myself with pride about my running and success, and than bam! I find myself humbled because somebody or something kicked my ass (sorry about the language)

So stay humble my friends, thank the Lord for giving you the gift of being able to run and exercise. Congratulate your fellow runners on their success, and success will come to you.

Have a great week and I'll see you on the road.

Coach Rich :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013


"My Father has me all things. No one knows the Son, except the Father. Ano one knows the Father except the Son and those whom the Son chooses to tell" Matthew 11:27

It took me a while but I have finally figured it out. If God wanted for us to be comfortable, everything would be easy in our day to day lifes. Think about it. You could could ask for anything and God would just give it to us. Wouldn't that be great? 

But also wouldn't that get boring after a while? I think so.

We are creatures of habit. If there is something new to try, typically we won't do it unless we know we will gain instant gratification or results.

Today was the first day of our new training program. To be honest with you I thought the turnout would be tremendous. But, it didn't turn out that way. A grand total of four people showed up. As I began to talk to people, the feedback I heard was not suprising.

"Our group is too fast." or another one was "we won't have anybody to run with or I'll get left behind."

To be honest with you, the comments didn't suprise me. But it led me to wonder and question why were people thinking those thoughts? What did I do wrong?

I'm guilty of being comfortable just like everyone else. Up until this year, I was content on continuing my current training program. It was the same over and over. But than one day, I was convinced that I needed to make a change especially if I was going to run a marathon in January, I needed a change of scenary, things needed to be mixed up a little.

The bottom line is we all have choices! You have to decide on what you're going to do and then do it. The only way to get better at something is to go from being comfortable to uncomfortable. And most importantly you have to challange yourself!

I'm uncomfortable. But, I also know that in the long run everything will turnout to be successful because I know that is what God wants for me.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Adversity and trails brings faith and hope which is something He wants all of us to have. So I know he will not let me fail.

I also know that what we have planned will bring people out. We have plans for runners of all abilities. NO ONE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND. But we are different because people will get a little uncomfortable because they will see a training program where they may be doing things they haven't done before.

One of my friends who came out today really lifted my spirits because she had never been that exposed to our group. But as she looked around at the group afterwards eating breakfast and hanging out, she commented that a lot of people she knows would like this.

Finally it's all about baby steps. It's July, it's hot and January is a long way off. But, 12 weeks from now is 10 Miles for Texas and it's time to ask yourself, do you just want to finish or do you want to do well?

If you want to do well, get into a program and start training, the rewards will be tremendous.

See you on the road.
Coach Rich

Saturday, June 29, 2013

God will give me everything I need!

"My God will use his wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need." Philippians 4:19

It's almost here. Two weeks from today my journey towards completing my first marathon since 2009 will start. Additionally, a new program for training will crank up as well and the focal point of managing it will rest on my shoulders.

A couple of weeks ago in my men's bible study group I confessed to the guys that I was a little scared and nervous and I asked them to pray for me. So what am I afraid of?

  1. Fear of failing - I am afraid of failing not especially in my physical endeaver of completing a marathon, for I realize that if God wants me to do this, he will open that door for me. No, what I fear is letting my fellow runners down, that I will revert back to my foolish ways. A few years ago when I was running Woodlands Fit I failed everybody because I didn't always give my best or I was too wrapped up in my own personal challanges.
  2. Fear of the unknown - I really don't know what to expect this time around, it's been three years so I'm not sure how my body will react to the difficult training regime. We don't have the deep resources available that Fit offered so will I be able to make the right decisions so people will complete their training goals?
  3. Fear of criticism - I know I should not be afraid of this because one thing I have realized throughout my life is you cannot please everybody and there will always be somebody who will not like what you do or say. It's just part of human nature. But still I'm nervous about this and wonder if I can take criticism?
One thing all of you should know is this; Fear is not going to keep me from being successful. Why do I say this? Because I will rely on my faith to get through this and to give my best because I know that is what God expects of me! I also know that God is and will be with me ALWAYS and that NOTHING can every separate me from the love he has for me.

"Yes I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will EVER be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

What powerful versus! It's my suit of armor! It's so joyful to know that nothing can ever take that away from me.

So the key to success this season is simple, always do your best, pray before every endeaver for this and God will grant it.

Finally, as it says in the opening verse above, God is going to give me all the tools to complete this. So my personal guarantee to all of you is you will get nothing but my best!


Some quick thoughts about training.

It's hot!

So we all need to be extremly careful over the next couple of months. Many of you who have known me over years know how I feel about this. So I'll say it again. "Hydrate, Hydrate and Hydrate." Drink before, during and after your workouts. In our Saturday morning runs, look out for each other other. Look for signs of dehydration. If you see somebody who appears to have symptoms of heat injury, stay with that person and if needed get help. If you are not feeling well before your workout, than take the day off. Remember, the goal is to get to the race.

Heat can kill! And if you don't carefully watch yourself the goal of getting to the race will go away.

We need to help each other get through these next couple of months. Don't get discouraged when you have a bad workout. Instead focus on the fact that you completed it! We all have bad workout days and I'll tell you right now that in this weather, every one of you is going to have days when you struggle. Put it behind you! Because how you do today or tomorrow is NOT going to determine the results of your race! Stay focused on the end goal, if you do that, I have no doubt in my mind that you will be successful.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July and I'll see all of you next week.

Coach Rich

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fathers Day

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Fathers Day is my favorite day of the year, not because it's the one day I get to take off as a Father, or receive gifts, no it's my favorite because I get to celebrate not only being a Father, but celebrate all our Fathers.

When I was growing up, as like all kids, I had dreams of what I wanted to be someday. My dream was to one day have a wife, a couple of kids and house. The idea of being surrounded with love just really appealed to me. But now I know it was something that God placed on my heart because he created Fatherhood with an eternal purpose: to reveal and represent Himself.

Being a Father is the ultimate statement of being a manly man! We are commanded by God to be the spiritual leaders of our house. We are to protect and defend our family, we are to take care and provide for them. We are responsible for the success of our marriage and the raising of our children.

Being a Father takes courage and resolution to do the right thing and to set the standard for being a good person in this world. I want my boys to know that as they grow their place on earth is to love God first and then love others as much as themselves. I essentially want them to understand that one day they will be modern day knights. The Knights in the middle ages who served their kings were seen as men who lived pure, spoke the truth, righted the wrong and served their king to the death.

So I want my boys to grow up to be Modern Knights. The knight always treated women and people with respect that's what I want my boys to do. And who weill their King be? Their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Being a Father is the hardest job I have ever had but it is the most rewarding one as well. I love being a Father and a Husband and I wouldn't trade places with anyone!

My Dad went to be with the Lord a little of a year and a half ago, and I miss him terribly, but I also know he is in a perfect place now. I remember him telling me to live everyday like it's my last one. It's the same advice I remind my boys.

So to all the Dads out there, enjoy tomorrow but also make sure and thank The Father for what you have, because it is a privalege and a Gift from him that you get to be a Father! We have the greatest job on this earth!

Have a great day, and I'll see all of you out on the Road!

Coach Rich

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Never Alone

"Be strong and brave. Don't be frightened, because the Lord your God will go with you. He will not leave you or forget you." Deuteronomy 31:6

Last week I wrote about coming back to my love, running and coaching. A lot of you know a little about me but I thought today I would tell you a little bit my story and how I came to the faith I have today. My faith is everything and I strongly believe that it applies to every aspect of my life.

So here we go! I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my life at the innocent age of 17. I was a junior in high school and had joined a high school christian youth group named "Young Life." The youth pastor Nick would meet with me every Wednesday morning for breakfast to talk about my life and how accepting Jesus into my heart would change everything. So one night, in my room I got down on my knees and prayed, I asked God to forgive me for my sins because Jesus had given his life so that I may have everlasting life.

At that very moment, I felt lifted up. I literally felt something enter me and my heart was filled with joy, it was one of the most incredible moments in my life.

Fast forward 26 years. It was 2009 and I had just gotten laid off from my job, I was very worried about what the future held for me. I was a beaten man because professionally and personally my confidence in myself was at an all time low. Then at the suggestion of a friend, he recommended I check "The Between Jobs Ministry" so I attended a meeting and it put everything in perspective.

In this meeting they talked about how God would never leave me and that he wanted nothing but good for me. The bible verse they quoted said it all.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I broke down in tears. I felt so ashamed that I had forgotten about Him and what he could do for me. So at that moment I asked for forgiveness and pledged to never put him second in my life.

I was out of work for 6-months but over that time God helped me to become the spiritual leader of my family. My confidence in myself professionally came back and he opened doors for me that I never thought would open. Over that time he provided for us, we never struggled financially, he provided for all our needs.

Today things couldn't be better. Our family is stronger than ever. My career is at an all time high and physically I am in great shape. I feel so good that I'm going to run the Houston Marathon this year. He has opened up a new door for me with the coming start of the Volte Endurance Training program.

Are there days when things are hard? Yes.

But the differance between now and five years ago is I know he wants nothing but good for me and my family. I also know in my heart that his plans for me are far greater than I can EVER imagine. In fact, I told Billy this just last month. We are thinking too small, God's plans for our group are limitless! We're focused on our little group here in the Woodlands, but God wants it to impact everybody!

When I reflect back on that faithful night 32 years ago, I realize he NEVER left me and over that time he was watching over me and protecting me. The only regret I have is that I didn't realize that. But that's ok.

I'm so excited about the next 9-months. I can't wait to get to know of each of you and hear your stories.  I truely believe every step of the way, God will guide me in leading our group. I know there will be some tough days but I also know this;

"If God is for us, NO ONE can defeat us." Romans 8:31

So hang on friends, this is going to be a great journey.

Have a blessed day, and I'll see you out there on the road!

Coach Rich

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Great to be back!

It's great to be back!

So what do I mean by that? For the last 12 to 18 months I really didn't know what direction my running was going to take me. But, most importantly the message I have been hearing is that God give us talents and abilities. I know that he gave me the ability to run and coach and inspire people to go out and overcome physical challanges in their life.

Up until 2009 that is exactly what I had been doing for Woodlands Fit. Then all of a sudden that came to screeching halt when I was told that the program needed to go a different direction. I was devestated and very hurt. So I withdrew from the running community and did my own thing. For three years all I heard was you should get back in the game, but I really didn't think I was ready.

In January of this year, I was having dinner with my good friend Billy Dwyer and he told me he wanted to start a new training program and that he needed me to help out. We were with a few people who I had known for several years, they all looked at me and nodded.

Now this is something Billy and I had been talking about for the last three years. In a way, it was a dream for both us. You see, we wanted to design a program that would be different than any other program in the area. It would be a program that would give back to the community. It would be a program where every runner would be made to feel special and most importantly it would be a program that would help people strengthen their relationship with God.

So the moment of truth was finally upon me, it was time to get off the pot! It was time to stop thinking about myself and help others change their lives.

In Hebrews 11:23-29 the word faith is mentioned five times about how Moses had to put his faith in God when it came to overcoming difficult situations. Now it's my turn to put my faith in God knowing he will guide me through this journey I'm about to take. You see, I'm not only managing this program, I'm running the Houston Marathon in January 2014. When I complete this race it will be my first one in over 3 years, also it will 3 days after my 50th birthday.

What excites me most about this journey though is how we will have the opportunity to make a difference in the community. We will encourage everybody who enrolls in the program to pick a ministry or cause to raise money for it. There will be no minimum on how much has to be raised, the point will be to give something back to people who need our help.

What's scary to me though is how I will have to take that step of faith to show people how deep my love is for our Savior Jesus Christ. It will start off with a quick prayer before our Saturday runs, but I'm hoping that will soon develop into something much more, what that is, only God knows. I won't be afraid to mention scripture in newsletters or while talking to people (although I'm terrible at remembering exact versus). The point is people will know how I feel about God and how great he is.

In today's society, we are told that it's politically incorrect to be public about our faith, but the bible says that as Christ followers we need to be bold and that we need to spread the good news.

So will people be uncomfortable with my beliefs? Probably. Will there be criticism because of what I believe? More than likely. But you know what, I don't care! Because if only one person becomes closer to Christ because of what I say and do, than I'm doing my job.

I'm excited about this opportunity because I'm back! I'm finally going to get to do what I was doing 4 years ago except it will be even better. My life has changed for the better since 2009 and I know I can help people because its what God put me on this earth to do. And I know God will direct me every step of the way.

Isaiah 30:21 says "If you go the wrong way - to the right or the left - you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the right way. You should go this way."

So here we go! It's time to start running and praying! See you on the road!

Coach Rich