Sunday, August 11, 2013

Overcoming the Storm

"I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let you be defeated. He who guards you never sleeps. Psalm 121:1-3

The last two weeks were brutal. Let's just say that anything that could go wrong, went wrong. Then yesterday when I was trying to decide on what I was going to write about, it came to me. During all the tough moments, what did I find myself doing?

I prayed a lot, but the prayers were not your typical ones, instead they were spent thanking the Lord for all he had given me, thanking him for testing me. As I stated two weeks ago, God is always testing us, he is always looking for ways to make our faith stronger and stronger.

The reason for this is when we come through those struggles we are a testimony to others out there.

This morning I was watching one of the Pastors I like to watch on Sunday mornings and his topic was about one thing, be positive or be quiet. I thought back to my troubles and I remembered that during that time I really tried to stay positive no matter how bad it seemed to get.

When you are in the middle of the storm, praise God and thank him, and he will reward you. The moment you start speaking negative, everything will come to a screeching halt. Bottom line is if you don't have something positive to say don't say anything.

Proverbs 6:2 says "You might get trapped by what you say; you might be caught by your own words."

Don't curse your future with negative words, instead embrace the tough times praising God all along the way. When I face tough challenges, "I always ask myself, Is this going to kill me? Is this a life or death situation?" 99 percent of the time it's not, so instead say to yourself "this to will pass"

Sure enough over the last couple of days things began to work themselves out. The air conditioner wasn't broken, the problems with my foot didn't feel as bad and new opportunities opened up with my job.

Right now it's really tough running, we are truly in the dog days of summer but we are also 3/4 of the way through the summer heat (hopefully). What we have do is keep training, keep working hard. Every run, every workout in the heat is a victory!

Our time is short on this earth, enjoy this time in your life. Instead of dreading the heat and humidity, take it on! Because it will make you stronger than ever.

Remember, God put you on this earth to do great things! He has a master plan for you, he has no intention of bringing harm to you.

And remember what Romans 8:31 says, "If God is for us, no one can defeat us."

So go out there and be your best because that's what He wants us to do and nothing less.

Have a blessed week my friends and I'll see you on the road.

Coach Rich

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