Sunday, February 28, 2021

Memories of Fatherhood

 This week was a particularly difficult week for me as it was nine years ago that my father passed away. What inspired me to write this was an episode on the NBC Series “This is Us.” In the episode, two of the main characters had new babies come into their lives. It went through the first couple of days of the new children’s lives and what pressures the parents were going through. It brought back a lot of special memories to me.

 I’ll never forget the moment I realized I was going to be a father. It wasn’t when my wife Ginger told me she was pregnant, No, it was when she was in labor  which by the way lasted almost 27 hours.

The birth of our first son Davis was a long and intense affair. On the afternoon leading up to his birth Ginger was trying to have him, but he just wouldn’t come out. It was so intense as she tried like heck to have him. Finally at 6 PM that night the doctor called it and decided it was time for C-Section. Seeing Davis Lee come into this world was the most beautiful and miraculous moment I had ever experienced. And seeing Ginger hold him for the first time took my breath away.

I was able to spend a few minutes with Davis before he was taken away to the nursery. At the time he was crying but when I started speaking with him, the crying stopped. My first duty as a father was completed.

The next couple of months are a complete blur to me. There were a lot of nights where we didn’t sleep much. One thing was for certain, I loved Davis more than anything in this world and I wanted to do everything in my power to take care of him.

A few years later when it came time for my second son Drew’s birth, I told Ginger I was scared to death. She looked at me and asked why, I told her I was afraid that I wouldn’t love him as much.

Boy was I wrong! I love both of them the same. They are two completely different personalities. They each have their own qualities and faults. To this day there is nothing more in this world then my love for them.

The birth of our second son Drew, was a far different story. The doctor told us to show up at 6 in the morning and two hours later he was born. He was a very good baby, always sleeping through the night. He fussed very little. To this day he is my little angel. (At 17 he is no longer little). God put this spirit in him that is incredibly kind and loving. In a lot of ways he is a lot like me when I was his age.

As a father, I have learned what unconditional love truly is. Its not caring what anyone thinks. Its that feeling deep down inside your heart that you would do ANYTHING for that person, no matter what they did. Its that unconditional acceptance of that person for who they are.

Having unconditional love for my boys led me very shortly to the same feeling for my wife Ginger. She is the  greatest person I have ever known. Over the years watching her with my boys has led me to believe that she is the most beautiful woman I have ever known. To this day when she walks into the room she takes my breath away. I am so lucky to be her husband and I thank God everyday for that privilege. 

As the boys have grown older, Gin and I sometimes feel like we are looking in the mirror. We see pieces of ourselves in them.

Over time, I’ve tried to teach them about life and how they should live it.

First, love everyone and love God with all your heart.

Second live everyday like its your last on this earth.

Finally, treat everyone you meet the way you want to be treated.

This week was tough because it was the nine year anniversary of my dads passing. I miss him every day. When I think of him, I choke up. I still can’t believe he’s gone. When I look back, his impact on my life was enormous. Just as I see a piece of me in my sons, I see parts of my dad in me.

When my sons are complaining about something, I won’t let them do, all I do is smile, look at them and say, “one day you’ll understand.”

That’s not the answer they are usually looking for and I pray to God that one day they’ll say, “yep, dad you were right.”

And then the circle of fatherhood will continue. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Grace and Love


Grace and Love

“Greater love to no one than this; to lay down ones life for friends.John 15:13

This is a great verse one that is a pretty big deal. What it really boils down to is how do we view others and how we treat them.

Do you look at your spouse and your immediate family as a pain in the ass? Or do you view them with love and companionship?

What about the person at the grocery store who is rude and pushy? Do you see them as selfish and inconsiderate or as a person who may be having a bad day or maybe even a bad year (trust me there are quite a few people out there who fall into this category).

Jesus gave his life for us so that we may be forgiven for our sins and have everlasting life, shouldn’t we offer the same kind of grace to others?

I am very fortunate to have many things, a loving wife, two awesome sons and many friends. But still at times I wrestle with the selfish demons. In today’s world, hell in our country, there is so much hate and mistrust. There are too many hypocrites.

The religious right even though they preach Christianity which includes everything around love and grace, also turn around preach hate and lies about the liberal left.

The same goes for the liberal left. The want equality and the right to freedom but then they turn around and talk about hate and blame on anyone who doesn’t’ follow them.

I hate this! And I’m sick of it! Enough is enough!

The only way things will change is if we learn to respect and love each other no matter what our race, religion and beliefs are.

Life is all about love and relationships. Think about how you see other people. God has a plan for each of us and he wants you to have a relationship with as many people as possible. Our mission in life is to LOVE! Its that simple.

This week focus on how you see people and how you treat them. I guarantee you your life will seem a lot better at the end of it.

Happy Valentine’s Day friends!  

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Love of Running

I love running! It has defined me and helped to make me the man I am today. 

I discovered running at the young age of 16 when I decided that football hurt too much, not to mention I wasn’t very good at it. 

I grew up in Northern California in the shadow of the Santa Cruz Mountains which were filled with tall Redwood and Pine trees. It was my playground for four years. I loved running in those mountains. 

I ran my first marathon in those mountains. It was probably one of the toughest marathons I have ever run as it took off from Los Gatos, climbed through the mountains and ended down in Soquel which was just south of Santa Cruz on the Pacific Ocean. It was 13 miles up, 4 miles along the summit and then 9 miles downhill. Looking back on the experience, it wasn’t the uphill that got me, it was the 9 miles down that got challenged me. After that race, my love for marathons took off. 

For awhile it stayed with me then it left me because of college. Its very difficult to run in the harsh winters of Nebraska. 

Everything changed in my early 30’s when one day I woke up, looked in the mirror and decided I needed to change my lifestyle or else I would be in big trouble. 

Running changed my life. Two years after I started up again. I was 100 pounds lighter and a new confident man. 

Because of running I met my wife Ginger. This March we will celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary. Ginger gave me two sons. They have seen me as a runner as long as they have been alive. I owe everything I have in my life to running. 

What I love about running, is it is a mirror of life. You get back what you put into it. The harder you work, the greater the success. Just like in life, you have good days and you have bad ones. The way you respond to those bad days will determine how the next day goes. 

Just like life, you experience moments of euphoria as well as moments of despair. There is good pain and there is bad. And when you don’t expect it, you’ll experience that “Runners High” where everything in your body and mind tingle with excitement. 

Everyday I get to run is a blessing from God. He has given all of us a gift; the gift of running. I always remind runners that not everyone has the gift of running. 

We’re a special breed. Getting up and running before the sun comes up or going out in 85 degree, 90 percent humidity to run 10 miles. It takes a special person with a special gift to do that. Running lays foundation to our successes in life because it trains us on how to deal with life. 

There is no other sport like running. It takes dedication and discipline to strap on the running shoes and go out and run. And even though running can be tough on the body, if you take care of yourself and listen to your body your running days can go far into your life. 

2020 was a tough year for us runners. During that time, it was my refuge from all the craziness in this world. Through it all the one constant was I could run and nothing could stop me. I know 2021 will be a great year as we are already starting to see races crank up. 2020 sparked my love for running because I couldn’t race, it made me stronger and more determined to run, because I wouldn’t let it be taken away from me. 

So, the next time you’re not sure if you want to step out and get your daily run in, remember everything it has given you. I guarantee you; you’ll be strapping up those shoes and hitting the road. Yes, I love running and I will for the rest of my life. 

Keep running friends!