Grace and Love
“Greater love to no one than this; to lay down ones life
for friends.” John 15:13
This is a great verse one that is a pretty big deal. What it
really boils down to is how do we view others and how we treat them.
Do you look at your spouse and your immediate family as a
pain in the ass? Or do you view them with love and companionship?
What about the person at the grocery store who is rude and
pushy? Do you see them as selfish and inconsiderate or as a person who may be
having a bad day or maybe even a bad year (trust me there are quite a few
people out there who fall into this category).
Jesus gave his life for us so that we may be forgiven for
our sins and have everlasting life, shouldn’t we offer the same kind of grace
to others?
I am very fortunate to have many things, a loving wife, two
awesome sons and many friends. But still at times I wrestle with the selfish
demons. In today’s world, hell in our country, there is so much hate and
mistrust. There are too many hypocrites.
The religious right even though they preach Christianity which
includes everything around love and grace, also turn around preach hate and
lies about the liberal left.
The same goes for the liberal left. The want equality and
the right to freedom but then they turn around and talk about hate and blame on
anyone who doesn’t’ follow them.
I hate this! And I’m sick of it! Enough is enough!
The only way things will change is if we learn to respect
and love each other no matter what our race, religion and beliefs are.
Life is all about love and relationships. Think about how
you see other people. God has a plan for each of us and he wants you to have a
relationship with as many people as possible. Our mission in life is to LOVE!
Its that simple.
This week focus on how you see people and how you treat
them. I guarantee you your life will seem a lot better at the end of it.
Happy Valentine’s Day friends!
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