Monday, June 29, 2009
June 29, 2009
It's been awhile but I have been working hard just as I was commanded by the Lord. I want to do well and glorify him. Slowly but surely things are starting to come together at work. There is still a lot to do and I am still very nervous because it's a new job. I don't trust this company. Anyway, my two co-workers are very negative and sometimes that is hard to deal with. I really try and keep my mouth shut. I can tell they are not happy because they don't understand what it is like to not have a job. Not only that I don't think they are believers. Most of that is based on their attitude on a day to day to basis. All I can do is pray and trust the Lord for putting me in this job. He has a plan for me and will provide for my family and I.
On another note, I am very disturbed about the things my sister is going through. The doctors in Portland don't listen to her so they are not prescribing the right medication to help her live her life on a day to day to basis. I feel so bad for her and she gets so frustrated. I will pray that God will find a way for me to help her.
I ran the Polish Pickle run Saturday and started out great in the first mile (7:15), but that was too fast and mile two was in 7:55 and 3 was in 8:30. I totally crashed and burned. I did not run a very smart race. It was very warm 85+ and the course was hilly. The field was pretty fast to, probably because there was a first place prize. The ankle is still bothering me a little bit but I'm trying to fight through it. I haven't decided on if I will run Saturday morning yet. I'll see how I feel. I could use the break. The week after next, Fit starts so my new training schedule will start up then as well. I feel pretty strong and I know if the weather was cooler I would do pretty good. Tomorrow is track and it looks like we will be doing 400's. That could be interesting especially with the heat and humidity.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday June 24th
It's been a couple of days since I have blogged but life has definetly picked up. But the one thing is, God is meeting all my needs. For example, last night before I went to track, I said a prayer to God to please keep me cool during the workout. It was 103 degrees out and the workout was going to be a real tough one. So I really was wondering if I should go out and run. But I did, and although I did sweat a lot, I felt pretty good. In some ways the heat didn't even seem to be a factor. So he took care of me last night. He is truely amazing!!
I have managed to stay on schedule pretty much this week with runs on Monday and Tuesday. I'm off today simply because I had track last night. I will run tomorrow, but I'm not sure for how long. Temps are supposed to be at or above 100. What I'm really looking forward to is my massage tonight. It's going to hurt, but the long term affects will pay off. Saturday, I'm running a 5K and it may be the last race I do until September. The ankle is a minor problem but so far I have been able to keep it under control. All I can do is keep stretching and really keep a close eye on it. If it wasn't so dang hot right now running would be a lot of fun!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sunday June 21 "Fathers Day"
It seems like every week now God has a new message for me. Last week it was about my job. This week it was about taking my faith out to the edge. It was a consistent message not only yesterday but today.
As it is stated in 1 Corinthians 1:27, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.
I am no longer afraid, I am totally at his mercy he has me and he will never leave me. I see it all the time.
I have been praying for Ginger that she will finally make the committment and be baptized. She is so close, next weekend it will happen. I will continue to pray for this.
Father's day is so important to me. I read today in the bible that role is to lead my family in all matters. It's an enormous responsiability but I love it. I am so thankful for everything I have. When I was growing up, my dream was to someday have a wife, kids and house. Those dreams have come true and it's all because of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It was a great day today and I'm so happy right now. God is so Great!!
Yesterday I ran 7 miles it was a good run. The ankle bothered me a little bit but I made sure and stretched good. I have some good consistency going on my Saturday runs where I'm averaging around 9:30 to 9:45 per mile. That's a good easy pace. The big question I have is can I maintain a 8:30 pace in the longer distances. We'll hopefully see next weekend.
Today the ankle feels a lot better. This week is going to be a pretty hot week. Weather forecasters are predicting tempertures to be in the high 90's or low 100's. Could be interesting. Also, on Saturday I will probably run a 5K, mainly for fun but it will be interesting to see how I do. After this race there might not be another one until September so it's kind of important. Needless to say this week is critical as it will be my last hard week until Fit starts in two weeks.
Finally, I'm looking forward to Wednesday because I'm finally going to get a massage. That should help out a bunch. Until tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wednesday June 17th
Today was an awesome day!! The last two days I prayed to the Lord to help me strong, wise and compassionate. And when I read this verse this morning, I really felt like I was walking in the Light. It was really cool. What I enjoy a lot right now is in the morning before leaving for work I will read a chapter or two in the bible. It sets me at ease and helps prepare me for the day. I know there are going to be tough times in my job, but he will help me get through them. AMEN!!
No training today and probably not until Saturday. My ankle was a little swollen this afternoon and Dr. Mark suggested I wrap it and then take it easy for a day or two. I am going to get a deep tissue massage next week with Ute so that should help a lot. Dr. Mark told me it is very important I stretch after my runs otherwise the ankle will continue to get worse. Since I have gigantor calves those especially need to be stretched. I want to run and I love to run, but the other thing is that it is just so hot after 30 minutes it is just brutal. So no tempo run tomorrow and Saturday's run will probably be only 6 to 7 miles.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
June 16, 2009
I read this verse this morning before I went to work today. What weighed on me was the overwelming feeling that I wouldn't know enough to do my job. I'm really afraid that I will look like a complete idiot in front of people that have way more experience than I do. So I have turned it over to God. Through him, he will give me the knowledge and the confidence to do great things. After all, he picked me to do this job.
Speed work in the summer really sucks. It was 98 degrees out tonight and running 400's at race pace was very difficult. Not only that, the workout got changed. Instead of doing 200's and 400's we ended up doing 6x400's and a 1600 time trial. I did great in the 400's but for the first time since I could remember, I couldn't finish the 1600. I am bummed about this but I'll get over it. I have also decided for the moment that I am going to take the rest of the week off because my ankle is really bothering me. I am hoping to get in with Crystal tomorrow and then on Saturday get a message. Hopefully that will get me back on track. Otherwise, I may be going back to Dr. Sutton which will costs some money. Also, I have already decided to top my distance at only 6-miles this weekend. I'm really nervous about this because I'm seeing the beginning of symptoms that I had last year when I had to shut it down for four weeks. Pray for my ankle to get better.
Monday, June 15, 2009
June 15, 2009 - A New Beginning
This morning before I started my new job I made it a point to read the bible. This verse just jumped out at me. I was extremely nervous because I didn't know what to expect today. Now I know what I have to do. It is going to be a tough job but I know God has picked me to do this job because I can do some good. I sensed today people were down and they are probably worried especially with what I am going to be doing. They feel threatned that they will lose their jobs. So I really need to turn this over to God because I know I can't do it all by myself. I can do good in this, a lot of good.
I got to run tonight at Terry Hershey Park. I love running there. It's all on greenbelt trails, the paths are asphalt and are mostly in the shade. I ran pretty good considering that it was about 98 degrees out. I'm still concerned about the ankle but I'm sure it will get better. I may keep the mileage down this weekend. We'll see.
I hope to change my diet. The new job may force me to take my lunch more so I should be able to eat better. Diet is so important when running and training get intense. If you don't eat enough with the heat you can bonk very quickly. If I find myself eating a lot of fatty foods I usually feel sluggish. I really want to eat more veggies and fruits especially since they have water in them. It would be nice to lose about another five to 10 pounds. If I can do that, than maybe it will reduce some of the stress on my knees and ankles. Tomorrow night is speed training. It will be a pretty tough workout. The workout is 4 to 6 400's and 200's. I doubt I will be setting any PR's in this one, it will be pretty warm out.
Time to go to bed I have a long day ahead of me.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday June 14th
Tomorrow is my first day on the job in six months. I was watching Lakewood this morning and it was amazing how the message related to what I am about to start. I am not working for man, I am working for God. So my mission is to be the best worker. I need to stay positive no matter how bad it gets. Stay motivated and always strive to do my best and finally always find ways to improve my capabilities.
God rewards excellance!! Through him new doors will open, new connections will increase. Most importantly I need to honor God in the Workplace and go forth in his Glory.
My faith and Love for him will truely be tested now. What's the next miracle? I don't know. But I have to remember that he has a plan for me and this job is part of that plan!!
Today was a day of rest. I was not that sore. A little tight but overall I feel pretty good. I feel stronger for some reason. Anyway, tomorrow will be interesting and exciting because I will be running around 5 pm or so when it is really hot. I get to go back to my favorite park so that will be fun.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday June 13th
It's so cool when God talks to you. I went into to tonights sevice, not knowing what to expect. My miracle, I have been praying for the last six months finally came through. So what do I do now?What miracle is next? The verse above says it all, there are things I need or my family needs and the scripture says I should ask for it from God. You should Give what you need. If you need energy, exercise. If you need money give back to God. So the next step to take for us is to try tithing (not sure if that is the correct spelling) 10 percent of our take home income. That's a lot of money!! I have thought about it, and I even discussed it a little bit with Ginger, we are going to do it. I have to admit it is the ultimate leap, but everything else I have done in trusting God has happened. A lot of miracles!! It's only money right? As long as we can pay the bills and save a little that is all that matters. More on this later, I'm still thinking on this subject.
I finally did it. I pulled my sorry ass out of bed at 5:30 to run 10 miles. You know what? It paid off!! The weather down here has been terribly hot. I managed to get in about 11 miles and felt pretty good. It was still pretty warm but starting a hour early makes a huge difference. The only thing that bothered me was my ankle, which seems to be acting up some since I switched to a new pair of shoes. I have to admit I'm a little worried but it's going to be something I am going to have to push through.
Afterwards, I was sitting around with a few friends and we were discussing Saturday long runs and what the purpose should be. My belief is they are meant to be long and easy which is usually what I'm able to do. Your body needs to be trained on knowing the difference between easy and hard. If you don't do that, than during a race how are you going to monitor how your performing? When running a marathon you have to be able to do this otherwise your day is going to be a long one.
I have been doing this long enough to have finally figured it out. Today was just another long easy run. It felt good. There will be some tough days ahead. But during every single run, God will be right there with me. He will take care of me and help me to be the best I can be.
My next miracle I want from God is for him to give me the strength to take that leap of faith and to trust him. I desire to become closer to God and our Lord Jesus Chirst. My journey has only just begun.
It's late, I'm beat so I'm going to bed.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday June 12, 2009
Ok so I kind of figured it out while I was unemployed. We all go through lives with our heads down and not really thinking about others that are not as fortunate as us. It is so important that we help others out. This can be in really any form or fashion. Maybe it's in the form of tithing at your Church, volunteering in Community Service.
The first thing I am probably going to do is help out with the Job Ministry at Fellowship. There are still a lot of people out of work and they need all the help they can get. I am no longer afraid to show people that I am in Love with God our Savior. "I am walking in the light and I intend to stay there!"
One last thing, Facebook has punished my sister for promoting this blog. I'm really bummed about this because I want people to read my experience. Oh well, we'll figure something out.
So yesterday I did my Tempo run and it was a lot slower than usual. I have figured out that for the next couple of months that effort is going to be more important than time. Which means it is time to go back to using the Heart Rate monitor. I felt pretty good yesterday but I really need to make sure I'm increasing my heart rate. I'm a little sore today. I'm little concerned about my ankle, some of the old symptoms are popping back up. I need to stay healthy this season especially since I'm doing the marathon.
Tomorrow I will attempt to run 10 miles. I am going to start a lot earlier especially since it is so hot. I cannot remember it ever being this bad in June...It is going to be a long hot summer..
Peace Out!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday June 11
Today was another great day walking in God's light. I was able to see my brothers at the Exchange and give them the good news that I now had a job. It's so cool when you know that people are truely happy for you.
Second I took a big step and went to the Woodlands Fit orientation meeting. I was really suprised with how good it felt. I thought I would have some pretty hurt feelings about it, they even acknowledged me and gave me a chance to announce to everybody I was running for Kellye my sister. I needed to do this for my healing. God was me all the way.
Last night I posted the MS Letter that really explains at a high level what MS does. Tonight I want to post part two which is the response to that letter. It takes on the point of view of responding to MS and basically saying your NOT GOING TO WIN!!
So here it is.
The Response
Dear My chronic condition:
I would like to clarify that, while you may wreak havoc on my body, and maybe even confuse my mind. You cannot have my heart or my soul. You cannot have my faith, my hope, or my love. There are some good things that you have given me, things I never could have experienced had you not come to possess my body.
You have given me:
- Renewed friendship with strong, close, true friends.
- Appreciation for every precious moment I am given. A gift that is sometimes lost on the "healthy".
- Growth in character, perseverance, and hope.
- Ispiration to help others.
- More compassion for others who are suffering.
- Better knowledge of my own body & health.
- A reason to eat more nutritiously and take care of myself.
- Reasons to rest when I need it.
You see, you will not find me an agreeable host. I will fight you, I will not give up. On bad days, I will take care of myself. On the good days, I will take advantage of every precious moment. You have thrown some obstacles in my life's journey, but I will go over them or around them, no matter what it takes. In fact, while I am overcoming them, I will stop for a moment to reflect upon the mountain I am climbing, plant a few seeds and then continue on. I will learn and grow from this experience and help others.
Sincerely, Me
Article written by Brandi Lasnick, found on
All of this leaves me speechless and in awe of what everybody who has MS goes through on a daily basis. I Love you Sis!! your my hero!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wednesday June 10..A new day
Today was pretty good, I went to Between Jobs Ministry and gave my testomonial it was pretty awesome.
Anyway, I wanted to post something from my sister Kellye who has MS.
The letter below is something she posted on Facebook and it's from MS describing what the disease will do to you. Once you read it you will never again complain about being hurt.
Letter from Your Chronic Condition
To whom it may concern:
Congratulations! You have been selected to be the host for Multiple Sclerosis. You will begin to experience many or all of these symptoms -- and may even deal with several of them at the same time.
-Pain can be anywhere you can imagine. We are equal opportunity destroyers, therefore we will choose many places for you to experience pain. We have even devised many different types of pain -- it could be aching, stabbing, throbbing, tingling, burning, gripping, or cramping. We are continually improving our repertoire of pain categories, so updates are to be expected.
-Dizziness. This can be accompanied by nausea, mental confusion, ringing in the ears, vomiting, loss of coordination, and sensations of spinning, rocking, or shaking. We try to simulate the experience of riding a never-ending roller coaster to satisfy your adventurous spirit. No safety harnesses required, and you have no choice of when the coaster ride starts,ends, or how fast it goes.
-Extreme fatigue (Now remember, this is not just being "tired". We will suddenly "pull your plug", so to speak, and you will have NO energy at all. Even dressing or taking a shower will be too daunting of a task for you to complete. And because we like surprises, we will NOT give you any advance warning, so you could be in the middle of the grocery store, at work, playing with you kids, or trying to clean the house.)
-Poor balance, lack of coordination. Let's just say you may walk or talk like you are drunk -- even if you haven't had any alcohol recently. And for those of you who have never indulged in alcohol, you are now going to understand what it is like to be drunk and to have a hangover.
-Forgetting, losing, dropping things. These are just a few of the perks of your condition. You will learn to expect them, but never to enjoy them.
In addition to the symptoms above, we also want to eliminate some things from your crowded lifestyle. Here are a few of the things which will be taken away from you now that you are chosen to have a chronic condition:
- The ability to stand or walk for longer than 15 minutes without experiencing pain in you feet, ankles, knees, or legs.
- The ability to sit for longer than 10 minutes without experience cramping in your legs and butt, or shooting pains in your back.
- The ability to complete any task which requires more than 10 minutes of concentration, multi-step activities or long-term projects will take 2-3 times longer then average.
- The ability to play and run with your children like you did before.
- The ability to have a "normal" social life.
- The ability to accumulate sick days at work/ school to earn the perfect attendance bonus.
As indicated previously, this condition is in constant flux and more symptoms will be added as we deem necessary. There is no warranty guarantee, technical support, or customer service available.
Sincerely, Your chronic condition
All I can say is WOW..Now you know that we as healthy people have no reason to bitch about our minuture aches and pains.
Tomorrow I will post the response, which is awesome..
God Bless
June 9th - The Greatest Day of the Year!!
By far today was the best day of the year. I finally am employed and I will start on Monday. God is Great!! So many times we ask Why me Lord? Most of the time you don't get a answer or I should say you don't hear the answer. But he always answers you, you just have to look for it and trust your free will he has given you to make the right the decision. There were times over the last five months where I didn't see his answer or find it, but what is really cool, is when that answer came, it was huge!!
I was faced with a decision today, should I turn down what is being offered to me and hope for an opportunity that will pay me more money. Or take the lesser paid position that would keep me in Houston. I prayed for the wisdom and courage to make the decision and he answered. So all I can say is WOW!!
On to the running part. Tonight was tough. Mainly because of the heat and humidity. It was 93 frickin degrees when I stepped onto the track. I asked myself how am I going to do 2 to 3 1200's in these condtions. Well, I ended up doing 4!! Not my fastest times, but I finished and I know the work will eventually pay off.
Over all these months, I have realized that the hard work you put in, in June, July and August will eventually pay off in November, December and January. So what did I get out of this workout tonight? Mental strength!! I wanted to stop after 2, but I kept going and I finished.
Until tomorrow. Goodnight NOW!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Monday, Monday
Last night, I learned from my sister that one of her friend's family suffered a horrible accident. It struck me rather hard because this friends husband lost his 3-year old son and his wife and daughter are very badly burned. My kids are just a few years older and I find it hard to imagine what it would be like to lose one of them. They are my life!! Up until 10 years ago, I never knew what unconditional love was. But with my family it's so deep, it is amazing. God has blessed me with what I have today.
He has also blessed me by returning back to me, my Love for running. I went in to today's run with a little apprehension especially after Saturday's workout. It was hot!! But I played it smart and ran for the most part in the shade. After Saturday's run I was a little concerned about my ankle, but there was no pain today.
On Monday's I always go in with the attitude of keeping some fuel in the tank because I know tomorrow's workout is going to be very difficult. I know I will not have anything left. I need to make it a point tomorrow to eat because if I don't I the workout will be a complete waste. With my height and weight I supposed to intake about 3,000 calories a day. I need to make sure and hit that number tomorrow.
Finally tomorrow will be a very busy day since I am supposed to go to Port Arthur, TX for a job interview. I need to make sure and get a good nights rest tonight.
Until tomorrow.........
Sunday, June 7, 2009
June 7th - A day of rest!!
It's so amazing that when you need to hear a message God speaks. Last night at Church, God told me that he cares about my loss and that I need to heal from that loss. I need to ask him to take away the hurt and give me my healing. Yesterday I mentioned that I needed to let go and forgive what happened to me in relation to my losing my position of Organizer of Woodlands Fit. So that is what I will do today. Please say a prayer for me.
Physically today I am little sore from the run yesterday, but I'll be ready to go tomorrow. It's going to be a very hot and steamy week so it may be a good idea to get my runs in early or at least before the hot temps of the day. Usually down here in South Central Texas the hottest time of the day is around 4-5 PM. So even if I get my runs in around 12 or 1 I should still be ok. This will be a heavy week for me since I kind of took it easy last week.
Tomorrow (Monday) - 40 minute easy run
Tuesday - Track workout - 2 to 4 1200's...This is going to be a tough one..
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - 30 to 35 minute Tempo Run
Saturday - At least 10 miles if not further.
By the end of the week I should be adjusted to the new shoes.
The other goal for this week is to research MS so I have a better understanding of what I am running for. I think I will also post the letter my sister wrote earlier this week.
For now the rest of the day will be spent relaxing.
God is Great!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
June 6 A new Day!!
I woke up this morning anticipating a great run because I knew the weather would be cool. We don't have many of these left this summer so I wanted to try and run as far as possible. I figured with my shoes I purchased yesterday I would be in great shape. But I was wrong, or I should say God wanted to teach me a lesson. Bottom line, the run didn't go so well.
Maybe it was the heavy heart I carried into the run this morning. For the last four years, I had been the organizer of Woodlands Fit. About this time last year I was informed that I would be replaced this season by Luke's Locker. No reason was given, and to this day I still haven't heard why this change was made. I thought I had forgiven USA Fit for this decision and actually looked forward to only having to worry about running and training for the Houston Marathon. But I guess I haven't done that and now with the program start date rapidly approaching I am beginning to wonder how it will affect me. I have to admit I am going to miss my involvement in the program. I could have stayed on as a coach but I decided to not accept that position. So I guess I need to pray to God that he helps me forgive those who were involved in the decision to not have me back.
So now on to other things, I running the marathon this year and I'm doing it for my sister Kellye who has MS. I have seen this terrible disease at work because my father in-law Dave suffered for many years. One thing I want to do is learn about MS. I want to know how it affects the body. What causes it, how can it be treated, how close are we coming to a cure?
We as runners always whine and moan about the little pains we suffer through while training. Today my ankle was bothering me, but compared to what my sister goes through every day that is trivial. Kellye is a hero to me simply because she has overcome so much in her life. God is such a huge part of her life and he saved her. I wish I was a strong as she was, maybe this experience will make me help me get there. It won't be easy. I'm three years older and have issues all over the place. But with God's help I WILL DO THIS!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Starting Over
It's time that I get with technology. I have been running a lot lately but I am now crazy enough to committ to running my 13th marathon in January 2010. The fact that I'm 45 years old and haven't run one if almost three years presents
There are two things that are different this time though.
First, I'm running with God on this one. Over the last couple of months I re-established my relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ and my life has changed so much.
Second, I will running for MS which is what my sister Kellye has and my late Father in-law suffered from before he passed 2 1/2 years ago.
I'm going to try and post something everyday or at the least a few times a week. It will consist of some scripture, maybe some photos and of course all the fun I'm having training for the marathon.
For now I'm off to buy a new pair of shoes since my current pair of shoes are pretty much trashed.