Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday June 11

"A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul."

Today was another great day walking in God's light. I was able to see my brothers at the Exchange and give them the good news that I now had a job. It's so cool when you know that people are truely happy for you.

Second I took a big step and went to the Woodlands Fit orientation meeting. I was really suprised with how good it felt. I thought I would have some pretty hurt feelings about it, they even acknowledged me and gave me a chance to announce to everybody I was running for Kellye my sister. I needed to do this for my healing. God was me all the way.

Last night I posted the MS Letter that really explains at a high level what MS does. Tonight I want to post part two which is the response to that letter. It takes on the point of view of responding to MS and basically saying your NOT GOING TO WIN!!
So here it is.

The Response
Dear My chronic condition:
I would like to clarify that, while you may wreak havoc on my body, and maybe even confuse my mind. You cannot have my heart or my soul. You cannot have my faith, my hope, or my love. There are some good things that you have given me, things I never could have experienced had you not come to possess my body.

You have given me:
  • Renewed friendship with strong, close, true friends.
  • Appreciation for every precious moment I am given. A gift that is sometimes lost on the "healthy".
  • Growth in character, perseverance, and hope.
  • Ispiration to help others.
  • More compassion for others who are suffering.
  • Better knowledge of my own body & health.
  • A reason to eat more nutritiously and take care of myself.
  • Reasons to rest when I need it.

You see, you will not find me an agreeable host. I will fight you, I will not give up. On bad days, I will take care of myself. On the good days, I will take advantage of every precious moment. You have thrown some obstacles in my life's journey, but I will go over them or around them, no matter what it takes. In fact, while I am overcoming them, I will stop for a moment to reflect upon the mountain I am climbing, plant a few seeds and then continue on. I will learn and grow from this experience and help others.

Sincerely, Me

Article written by Brandi Lasnick, found on

All of this leaves me speechless and in awe of what everybody who has MS goes through on a daily basis. I Love you Sis!! your my hero!!


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